From Law To Beyond: My Career-Jumping Ambition

Yes, I want to make a career jump before my career has even started. If you are anything like me, you can probably imagine that this means a significant upward climb, but one that you are ready and willing to do in the name of your desired career jump. In this post, I hope toContinue reading "From Law To Beyond: My Career-Jumping Ambition"


Two years ago, I wrote a post like this about turning 20. At the time, 20 seemed like a massive change, a new decade of living, a chance for a new start, a new way of thinking. It was that view that led me on the path to discovering new sides of myself that IContinue reading "22."

Self-Confidence: A Journey, not a Destination

While I am certainly no expert on the intricacies of the human psyche in light of self-confidence and understanding the value of one's self, I have decided to write a post on my tips based on how I went from a self-deprecating habit to someone who truly believes that I can do whatever I aspireContinue reading "Self-Confidence: A Journey, not a Destination"

Zurich, Switzerland

After spending 13-months in the canton, it is no surprise that my travels in and around Zurich, Switzerland are pretty well documented! I would have thought that I would tackle this place sooner, but I'm now finally gotten around to it. So, without further ado,  here are my comments and suggestions on some of myContinue reading "Zurich, Switzerland"

Identity: Between A Rock And A Hard Place

A few words about being a British woman of Pakistani–Muslim–Indian–Hindu descent. While I define my identity quite easily in my recent post “Advantages of Being Second-Generation British“,  I can understand why (at first glance) my identity and background can appear to be quite complicated. To the unsuspecting reader, this background is a clash of cultures […]